The mineral dolomite was probably first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1768. On page 41 of that work, Linnaeus describes the mineral (in Latin) as: «Marmor tardum - Marmor paticulis subimpalpabilibus album diaphanum. Hoc simile quartz durum, distinctum quod cum aqua forti non, nisi post aliquot minuta & fero, effervescens», which can be translated as «Slow marble - Marble, white and transparent with almost imperceptible particles. It is as hard as quartz, but is different in that it does not fizz unless after a few minutes in aqua forti. In 1791, it was also described as a rock by the naturalist and geologist Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu (1750–1801), initially the from existing stones in buildings from ancient Rome and then from samples collected in the Alpine mountains that are now known as Dolomiti, in northern Italy. Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure gave the mineral its first name (in honor of Dolomieu) in March 1792. The name of the mineral is thus a tribute to the French geologist Dolomieu. Coming from rocks of limestone origin, powdered dolomite is rich in calcium and magnesium, after going through a long cleaning and purification process, it is ready for use in natural treatments.
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Esoteric and psychic effects:
Therapeutic effects:
This stone has alkalizing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, calming, remineralizing, decongestant, toning and relaxing properties. It is important for muscle work and development. Participate in the mechanism of muscle action potential. Combats muscle fatigue and is beneficial in cases of muscle injuries. Additionally, dolomite helps with stomach acidity, heartburn, diarrhea, stomach pain, flatulence, food poisoning and poor digestion. It helps with calcium replacement, magnesium changes and broken nails. Strengthens the immune system and normalizes the body's metabolism. It also helps in cases of inflammatory processes, PMS and menstrual cramps. Widely used to manufacture refractory materials.
Raw, rolled, powdered form (use in body aesthetics and body replacement).